Articles on: Showing Reviews

Displaying and customizing Media Carousel

This article will guide you through the steps to display the Media Carousel by adding it via the app block and customizing this widget quickly in the theme editor.

On this page

What is a Media Carousel widget?
Add Media Carousel app block in the theme editor
Customize the Media Carousel widget

1. Adding Media Carousel via app block is available from "Essential" plan.
2. Kudosi supports adding the Media carousel to multiple templates for themes using Online Store 2.0.
3. Before customizing the widget you need to enable Kudosi Core Snippet.

There are 2 types of Carousel app block

Review Carousel
Media Carousel

Media Carousel displays a series of images or videos in a horizontal scrolling format. It allows users to view multiple media items with navigation controls, showcasing product images, videos, and star ratings.

Note: To show video reviews on the Media Carousel, you need to upgrade the plan from "Premium".


From the Kudosi dashboard, navigate to the side menu on the left, and click Show Reviews.
In the Carousel section, click the button Customize next to it. This will open the theme editor in a new tab.

Another way to access the theme editor and add the Media Carousel via the app block in the theme:

From the Shopify Sales channels, click Online store, click Customize in the current theme section. This will open the theme editor.

In the theme editor, select one page you want to add the Media Carousel on: Homepage, product page, or collection page.
On the left sidebar, click Add block > Apps > search “Kudosi” > select Media Carousel.
You can also drag and drop the Media Carousel widget to the position you want.

The Media Carousel widget customization allows you to adjust various settings to display customer reviews effectively.

Overall settings

Number of columns on desktop: Set how many review columns are displayed on desktop screens.

Additional Information
1. How many media reviews are shown in the Carousel?
The number of media reviews displayed in the Media Carousel is three times the number of columns you set for the desktop. For example, if you set 5 columns, 15 media reviews will be shown. The maximum is 6 columns with 18 reviews.
2. Can I control which reviews are displayed in the Media Carousel?
Yes, you can control the visibility of the reviews displayed in the Media Carousel by managing the reviews feature . This includes:
+ Pinning reviews: Place a review at the top. The most recently pinned reviews will appear first.
+ Sorting by date: Display reviews from newest to oldest.

Column spacing: Adjust the space between each column in pixels.
Enable autoplay: Toggle on/off automatic scrolling of the carousel.
Autoplay speed: Control the speed of autoplay in seconds.
Border radius: Round the corners of each review block.
Primary text color: Change the color of the main text.
Body text font size: Set the font size for the review text.
Customer name format: Format how customer names are displayed (e.g., John Doe, J.D, John D).
Show carousel title: Toggle on/off the visibility of the carousel's title.
Carousel title text: Change the carousel's title.
Click review: Define the action when a review is clicked (e.g., show popup detail, open product link in a new tab, or in the current tab, or none).

Rating icon

Rating icon shape: Set default thin, rounded, circle, heart.
Rating icon filled color: Set the color for filled rating icons.
Rating icon empty color: Set the color for empty rating icons.
Rating icon size: Adjust the size of the rating icons in pixels.

Reviews selection

Select product (optional): Filter reviews to display only for selected products.
Manage app: This will open the Kudosi app and give you access to app management options.
Remove block: Delete the Carousel widget from the display.

After adding the Media Carousel and customizing it, remember to click Save to show media reviews in the Carousel in your store.

Tip: Read this article for more information about upgrading to the new version of review widgets.

If you need more help, please feel free to contact us via live chat or email us at

Related articles

Displaying and customizing Media Carousel
Adding the review box via app block

Updated on: 26/08/2024

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