Articles on: Managing Reviews

Can the visitors write reviews on my online store?

Absolutely yes, you can ask your customers to write a real review on your online store. Just simply click on "Write a review" button and leave a feedback. Or request a reviews from your purchaser by using Auto Request

Note: images' size cannot be bigger than 10MB and video's size cannot be bigger than 100MB


Pending reviews

The written reviews will be kept in the Pending reviews section by default

From here, you can publish / delete the reviews

Auto Publish Reviews

You can have the reviews auto show on your store by turning on the Auto Publish Reviews option. By doing that, all the written reviews will be visible right after it's submited

If you need some more helps, please feel free to contact us via live chat or email us at

Also take a look on some other ways to request your customers to write reviews for your store.

How to use the Auto Request Reviews via email?

Schedule manual requests for orders outside of Shopify via CSV file

How to Request reviews via SMS

Updated on: 26/08/2024

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