Articles on: Importing Reviews

Fixing common importing review errors

During the review import process, you may encounter some issues. This article will help you figure out some common importing errors and how to solve them.

On this page

No reviews match import settings
No customer reviews in the review source
URL format errors
No product ID in the URL
Duplicate URL

No reviews match import settings

While importing reviews, you may see this error message.

Error message: No reviews match the import settings for this product. Adjust the settings or use a different URL with reviews.

Solution: In this case, you need to change the settings to adjust the specific criteria that match your requirements to include the reviews you want.

There are two ways to access Customize settings:

From the Import Reviews tab, click Customize settings in the top-right corner.

From the review sources page, click Customize settings in the top-right corner.

Steps: Dashboard > Click Import Reviews in the side menu > click button Import reviews in the selected product > click Customize settings.

The settings include:

Settings for AliExpress and Amazon

Auto-publish reviews: Automatically publish reviews after importing.

Show full customer name: Automatically replace anonymous customer names (e.g., AliExpress shopper, Amazon customer, J *) with a full name (e.g., John Doe).

Must have text: Imports reviews that contain text, whether they include photos or not. If not selected, the system will import reviews that don’t have text.

Must have photos: Imports reviews that contain photos, whether they include text or not. If not selected, the system will import reviews that don’t have photos.

Note: “Selecting both 'Must have photos' and 'Must have text' may reduce the number of reviews imported.”

Auto-translate reviews by Kudosi: The system translates reviews into the selected language.
Skip reviews with keywords: Automatically excludes reviews containing specified keywords.

Settings for only AliExpress.
Reviewer location: You can select multiple countries.

No customer reviews in the review source

Error message: No reviews were found in this URL. Please use a URL containing customer reviews.
Solution: Check customer reviews in the URL from AliExpress or Amazon.

+ The review source from AliExpress:

Scroll down the product page and check the amount of reviews in the top menu.

If there are no customer reviews in that URL, you need to find another one with reviews.

+ The review source from Amazon:

Tip: Click on the ratings under the product name to quickly view customer reviews. This will scroll you down to the customer reviews section.

If there are no reviews in the URL, you will not see any ratings or customer reviews. In this case, you need to find another URL with reviews to replace it.

URL format errors

Error message: Invalid product URL. Please check the link format or learn more to get the correct link.
Solution: Check the URL format and make sure you are using the correct format.

+ AliExpress URL must look like:

[] - Click here for an example.

Another correct format:

[] - Click here for an example.
The query string is optional and it consists of various parameters separated by '&' symbols.

There are some incorrect format AliExpress URLs:

The importing error may occur if the URL has the local link [].

+ Amazon product URL must look like:

[]. Please click here for an example

No product ID in the URL

Error message: No product ID was found in this URL. Please use a different URL
Solution: To solve this error message during the review import process, simply use another URL with the product ID.

Duplicate URL

Error message: This URL has already been added. Please use another one. Learn more
Solution: This message means the URL exists in the review source list, the system can’t import reviews from duplicate URLs. Therefore, you need to replace the review source with a different one.


1. Remember to install the Kudosi extension on Google Chrome to limit errors and import reviews smoothly. (Click here to learn how to install the Kudosi extension).
2. The maximum number of imported URLs each time is 5.
3. You might encounter this error message:
“You can’t preview product details here due to a technical issue. However, you can still import reviews from this source.”
In this case, despite the inability to preview product details, you can go ahead and proceed with importing reviews.

Hope this article helps you clarify how to solve common importing errors and have a review import process efficiently.

If you need help, contact our customer support via live chat or email at Please provide detailed information about the issue and any troubleshooting steps you've tried. We're available 24/7 to assist you promptly.

Related articles:
Importing reviews from AliExpress and Amazon
Importing reviews from CSV file
Fixing CSV file import review errors

Updated on: 04/02/2025

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