How to fill review data in CSV file?

CSV file structure

There are 8 main columns in the CSV file as the following:
Customer country code (Alpha-2 code)
Product ID
Customer name
Customer email (Optinal)
Published date
Image Link (Optional)

How to fill data properly and import successfully

Firstly, please make sure to NOT rename and/or add new/remove any of existing columns.

Secondly, please check below information to have full understanding about which data should be put in each column. Otherwise, you might get an error and will not be able to import CSV file successfully.

Customer country code

Please check this article to find the right country code

Product ID OR Product Handle

Product ID is the last part (number) of your product URL from Shopify admin

NOTE: please make sure the Product ID is filled in correct Number format. You can right click on the Product ID row --> Choose Format Cells --> Number without decimals

Product handle is the last part of product URL (This data is used when you used the template from the other apps)

For example:

--> Then luxury-men-watch is Product handle

Customer name

The name will appear on the review exactly as inserted in the file


Valid values are considered including 1/2/3/4/5, so please use those numbers only.
Otherwise, if you input an invalid value, that row will be skipped, and you will not see that review in the Kudosi back-end app.


The text of the review with maximum 2000 characters in length.

Customer Email (Optional)

Fill in your customer email here.
You can leave this column empty if you don’t have the customer’s email address

Published date

The right format for published review date is mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy
If the published date column is left empty or filled with incorrect format, that row will be skipped, and you will not see that review in the Kudosi back-end app.

Image Link (Optional)

In this column, we expect a public Image URL with the following 4 image types only (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif)
For example:
You can have max 5 images in a review, and each image should be separated by a comma ","

Please check this article if want to public the images from your computer

If you need some more helps, please feel free to contact us via live chat or email us at

Updated on: 26/08/2024

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