Articles on: Importing Reviews

Importing reviews from AliExpress and Amazon

By using AI-powered review importers from AliExpress and Amazon, Kudosi will help you save time and effort to locate quality and accurate review sources for a quick import without manual searching. This article will show you how to import reviews from AliExpress and Amazon effortlessly and effectively.

On this page

Add Kudosi extension
Add active products
Import reviews by AI suggestion
Manually add review sources

1. For Free plan: The system will import all reviews with 1-5 star ratings.
2. For Paid plan: Starting from the "Starter" plan or higher, the system will automatically import reviews with 3-5 star ratings.

Add Kudosi extension

This step will limit errors in the importing process and help you import the reviews smoothly and quickly from AliExpress and Amazon.


From the import reviews tab, click Add to Chrome. This will open the Chrome web store tab.
From the Chrome web store, click Add to Chrome.

Tip: Reload the Kudosi app after adding the Kudosi extension. Then click “Import Reviews” in the side menu to start the import review process.

Add active products

You can skip this step if your store has active products already. In case, your store hasn’t had any products yet, this step is for:

New stores:

From the import reviews tab, click Add product.
From the Shopify Products page, click Add product.
Enter a title for your product, along with additional details.
Click Save.

Dropshipping stores:

For those who are dropshipping, we recommend Zopi ‑ AliExpress Dropshipping, which will support you import products from AliExpress.

Import reviews using AI suggestion

After having the active products on your store, you can start importing reviews by AI suggestion.

Tip: Modify criteria for all products by clicking "Customize settings" on the top-right import reviews tab before importing reviews.


Select the product you want to import reviews and click Import reviews.

From the top right review sources page, click Customize settings to adjust the import settings that match your requirements to include the reviews you want.

Note: These settings apply to all products when importing reviews.

The settings include:

Settings for AliExpress and Amazon

Auto-publish reviews: Automatically publish reviews after importing.

Show full customer name: Automatically replace anonymous customer names (e.g., AliExpress shopper, Amazon customer, J ***) with a full name (e.g., John Doe).

Must have text: Imports reviews that contain text, whether they include photos or not. If not selected, the system will import reviews that don’t have text.

Must have photos: Imports reviews that contain photos, whether they include text or not. If not selected, the system will import reviews that don’t have photos.

Note: “Selecting both 'Must have photos' and 'Must have text' may reduce the number of reviews imported.”

Auto-translate reviews by Kudosi: The system translates reviews into the selected language.
Skip reviews with keywords: Automatically excludes reviews containing specified keywords.

Settings for only AliExpress.
Reviewer location: You can select multiple countries.

AI will auto-suggest 3 review sources. Freely import reviews from 1 source or all sources by AI suggestion depending on your choice.

You can get more top-rated reviews by clicking Add review source.
One option is to get sources suggested by AI.
Another option is to manually add review sources by copying specific review URLs from AliExpress or Amazon and pasting them into the import field.

Manually add review sources

Besides getting review sources by AI suggestion, you can manually add review sources from AliExpress or Amazon.


From the import reviews tab, select the product you want to import reviews and click Import reviews.

Click Add review source > Select Manually add review sources.

Copy a specific review URL from AliExpress or Amazon and paste it into the import field.

Tip: Make sure that the selected URL has reviews from AliExpress or Amazon to import.

Click Import to import individual sources, or click Import all to import reviews from all review sources.

Warnings: Displaying country flags when importing reviews from Amazon
1. The country flags in the review widget will match the Amazon reviews if the domain is from a country where English is the primary language, like (UK) or (US).
2. If you're using the Kudosi extension and the domain is from a country where English is not the primary language, like (France) or (Germany), the review widget will display the country flag based on the domain. For example, if the domain is, the storefront will show the French flag.
3. If you import reviews from a non-English Amazon domain without adding the Kudosi extension, the country flags will not be displayed on your storefront.

1. Each time, you can import a maximum of 5 URLs, and the review quota limits per product depend on your plan pricing. See more about Kudosi’ pricing
2. Kudosi excludes some keywords by default to increase the quality of the reviews. You can change this in "Import settings".
3. Kudosi keeps the name hidden format like A**r to protect the reviewers' privacy.

That's the instructions for importing reviews from AliExpress and Amazon. If you need more help, please feel free to contact us via live chat or email us at

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Migrating reviews from other product review apps
Importing reviews from Shopify Product Reviews to Kudosi

Updated on: 04/02/2025

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