Unable to download XML file because of limited size and how to solve this?
You are getting below error while going to download XML file for manual uploading purpose:

There are some common reason as following:
Your XML file contains too many products
And/or Product(s) has too many reviews as well as photos
Due to Kudosi policy, your XML file should be smaller than 70MB, and the number of reviews in chosen products should be less than 25,000 reviews, so you can follow below suggestions to match these requirements
We highly recommend you to only select potential products which you believe can generate high revenue.
Note that you will need to pay for Google Shopping ads to get product appeared in Google Search result, and Google has strict rules to scan products, thus better to choose good ones.

The more published reviews/photos one product has, the larger file size is. Therefore, we suggest that you could minimize number of reviews and display suitable number of photos to be published in order to file size is below limitation.
Note that we offer Bulk Unpublished option in Import Reviews section for saving your precious time to edit reviews.
Once you make any change in Product Settings and Reviews Settings, please SAVE it before you download XML file. Otherwise, your XML file will still be the previous one, and you can not get updated data.
I hope this might be helpful for you
If you need some more helps, please feel free to contact us via live chat or email us at support@kudosi.ai

There are some common reason as following:
Your XML file contains too many products
And/or Product(s) has too many reviews as well as photos
Due to Kudosi policy, your XML file should be smaller than 70MB, and the number of reviews in chosen products should be less than 25,000 reviews, so you can follow below suggestions to match these requirements
We highly recommend you to only select potential products which you believe can generate high revenue.
Note that you will need to pay for Google Shopping ads to get product appeared in Google Search result, and Google has strict rules to scan products, thus better to choose good ones.

The more published reviews/photos one product has, the larger file size is. Therefore, we suggest that you could minimize number of reviews and display suitable number of photos to be published in order to file size is below limitation.
Note that we offer Bulk Unpublished option in Import Reviews section for saving your precious time to edit reviews.
Once you make any change in Product Settings and Reviews Settings, please SAVE it before you download XML file. Otherwise, your XML file will still be the previous one, and you can not get updated data.
I hope this might be helpful for you
If you need some more helps, please feel free to contact us via live chat or email us at support@kudosi.ai
Updated on: 27/08/2024
Thank you!