Articles on: Integrations

Integrate Kudosi (formerly Ali Reviews) with Google Shopping

Integrate Kudosi with Google Shopping to show the rating and reviews on Google Shopping List ads

To complete the integration, you will need to follow these following steps

- Create Google Merchant Center and Apply for Google Product Rating
- Make sure your reviews meets Google Requirement
- Set up Google Shopping integration on Kudosi
- Upload XML Review feed to your Google Merchant Center

I. Create Google Merchant Center and Apply for Google Product Rating

Sign up for a Google Merchant Center here if you do not have one

Upload your Product Feed and get approval from Google for your products. We highly recommend a Free app which can quickly help to create Product Feed here. Also Shopify has a very useful guidance here for reference.

Fill in the Product Reviews Interest Form from Google to apply for Product Ratings feed integration.

a. In the first question: "Do you work with an approved third-party reviews aggregator?", please choose "No"

b. Answer the rest of the form and submit the form

A few days after you submit your form, you will receive an email from Google saying this: “Your aggregator, 'Kudosi Product Reviews', does not have an approved partnership for the Product Ratings program with Google yet [...] so in the meantime, "<Your Store>" can send a direct product ratings feed to Google”. This is right because we are in the process of becoming an “approved aggregator”, however, it has no impact on your ability to integrate your reviews into Google Shopping using your Shopping XML feed.

Please go ahead to reply to Google email, and tell them that you will submit the feed directly to your Merchant Center.

Once your request form is approved by Google, Google will follow-up with you, and you will be able to see the Product Reviews menu in the left panel of Google Merchant Center, and you are now eligible to submit the Product Rating reviews XML feed.

II. Requirements

To get your reviews accepted in Google Shopping ads, you need to meet the conditions from Product Ratings program. The detailed requirements can be found here.

The most important requirements include:

Has minimum of 50 reviews across all of your products.
A Google Merchant account for your ratings to appear in Google Shopping.
A product must have at least 3 reviews for star ratings to show on Shopping Ads, even though products with less than 3 reviews are eligible to show star ratings on the Shopping property.
Your AdWords campaign type should be "Search Network with Display Select," "Search & Display Networks" or "Search Network only."
Syncing ALL your reviews with Google (including reviews with low scores).
Reviews must follow Google’s content policies.
Pass the manual approval process by Google Shopping team which can take between 2 to 4 weeks.


Google does not accept reviews syndicated from other sources (for e.g Amazon, AliExpress, etc.), so product reviews should come from actual customers who purchased the products, as Google mentions in program policy, "Review feeds should be collected and owned by merchants".
Reviews and star ratings may not always show. Google will show star ratings when their system determines that the information is accurate and relevant for shoppers’ needs.
It can take 2 - 6 weeks for your reviews to show in Shopping Ads after you have met the requirements.
Product Ratings on Shopping ads are available in countries where Shopping ads are available.
Getting your reviews in Google Shopping ads don't happen by accident. It will take time, and effort, and you will have to work hard to follow strict guidelines.

III. Checking Google Shopping settings on Kudosi

Google Shopping Feed is arranged on Integration --> Google Shopping Feed and available on Premium plan and higher.

XML file Update method:

- There are 2 ways to update the XML file: Manual and Auto

+ Manual update: The changes on your reviews (new reviews, changes in content, etc.) will not be updated on your XML file automatically. You will need to update the XML file manually by pressing the button "Manual refresh" at the bottom of XML file settings section.

+ Auto update: The changes will be updated automatically by Kudosi.

You will be able to schedule the update time. The XML file will be updated according to your settings

Product settings

Check the Product information from your Product feed on Google Merchant, then choose the correct Product Settings on Kudosi

Product ID: Can be defined by Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) and/or Manufacturer Part Number (MPN), including Barcode, SKU and Product ID.

Product Prefix:

- If you are using Shopify’s Google Channel app, you can turn on this option, and select a prefix with your store’s country code to add to the product.
- We have supported list of country code, you can select your appropriate country code to add to your products.

Review Settings: Only reviews which match these settings can be uploaded on the XML feed.

XML File Settings

- For Auto Upload method, we create XML link and the File Name as default. These 2 sections cannot be edited, and we provide Copy function for your better usage.
- For Manual Upload method, we prepare a XML file, you can download and upload it yourself.

IX. Upload XML Review feed to your Google Merchant Center

Check this article to know how to upload the XML feed

If you need some more helps, please feel free to contact us via live chat or email us at

Related articles:

How to Upload Product Reviews XML Feed on Google Merchant Center?

Why my uploaded reviews are being missed on Google Merchant?

Tips how to submit Product Review Data Feed for Google Shopping

Updated on: 27/08/2024

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