Articles on: Collecting Reviews

Using the Blocklist to manage review request email

The Blocklist helps you manage review request emails more efficiently. This article will guide you on using Blocklist to exclude specific email addresses or products from review requests, ensuring a more targeted and effective feedback collection process.

On this page

What is Blocklist?
How to use Blocklist?

Head-ups: Blocklist is only available from the "Essential plan" onwards.

What is Blocklist?

Blocklist is a feature within the Auto Request system that allows you to automatically exclude certain email addresses and products from the review request emails.

Key functions:
Blocked customers: Block certain customers from receiving post-purchase review request emails.
Blocked products: Exclude specific products from review request emails sent to customers. If a product is blocked, the review request email will not include that product, so your customer won't see or review it.

How to use Blocklist?

To access the Blocklist feature, follow these steps:

From the dashboard, navigate to the left sidebar, and click Collect Reviews.
From the Collect Reviews, click Auto-Request tab > Blocklist.

Blocked customers

This function allows you to block certain customers from receiving post-purchase review request emails.


From the Blocklist page, click the Block customers tab
Click Add customers button

In the modal, type a customer email in the email text field and press “Enter” to add more emails
Optionally, add a reason for blocking customers
Click Add

You can search and remove customers from the blocklist at any time.

Blocked products

This function allows you to exclude specific products from review request emails.
For example, if a customer bought three products and you only want reviews on two, this feature ensures that the emails only request reviews for the products you choose.


From the Blocklist page, click the Block products tab
Click Add products button

Check the boxes to select one or more products to add to the blocklist
Click Add

You can search and remove specific products from the blocklist at any time.

If you need some more help, please let us know via our live chat or email us at

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Updated on: 26/08/2024

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